Sign up with Laybuy to win

Jamie Kay gumboots from their latest collection

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Sign up is free, and takes only a few minutes. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing communications from Laybuy. Competition T&Cs apply.

Buy now, pay later in 6

Never pay the full price at checkout again. Pay 1/6 today and the rest over five weeks.

No interest, no fees

Experience fee freedom when you pay on time. Interest? Never.

Worldwide shopping

Shop thousands of global merchants. Currency conversion is sorted for you at checkout.

One app for it all

Manage your payments, budget, and discover a world of shopping at your fingertips.

Boost your spend

We created Boost so you can spend more than your Laybuy limit by paying the difference up front.

Tap to Pay

In-store shopping just got easier. Now you can Tap to Pay with Laybuy Card in your digital wallet.

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Sign up with Laybuy
to win

Jamie Kay gumboots from their latest collection

This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.

Sign up is free, and takes only a few minutes. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing communications from Laybuy. Competition T&Cs apply.

Buy now, pay later in 6

Never pay the full price at checkout again. Pay 1/6 today and the rest over five weeks.

No interest, no fees

Experience fee freedom when you pay on time. Interest? Never.

Worldwide shopping

Shop thousands of global merchants. Currency conversion is sorted for you at checkout.

One app for it all

Manage your payments, budget, and discover a world of shopping at your fingertips.

Boost your spend

We created Boost so you can spend more than your Laybuy limit by paying the difference up front.

Tap to Pay

In-store shopping just got easier. Now you can Tap to Pay with Laybuy Card in your digital wallet.

FAQs   ̇   Privacy Policy   ̇   T&Cs